
Make Your Way, Dreamcatcher!

Last week, I had many serious thoughts about dreams. Well, I have many dreams, but I'm not very sure about it. Why? Because I'm not on the way (to the dreams) I planned before. I lost.

Sometimes somehow I (almost) hate my job, indeed. I didn't even have any passion of doing my routines. Otherwise, many people talked about dreams, passion, and how passionate they are doing their job. I envy!

Then, in Thursday morning, Februari 10th, someone twitted something like this : people who not feeling spirited in the morning is people who not doing their passion. I only have one thought that time : So what?!

In the night of that day, I twitted these :
Mimpi yg nggak biasa nggak bisa dicapai dgn cara yg biasa2 juga. ll Mimpi yg besar hny bs dcapai dgn usaha dan kerja keras yg besar juga.

Hey Para Pemimpi, selamat berjuang! Selamat melakukan hal yg luar biasa dgn usaha dan kerja keras yg besar! x)

#NoteToMyself Berakit-rakit dahulu berenang-renang ke tepian. Bersakit-sakit dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian. :D

Dan hari ini kepikiran sesuatu yg semoga memudahkan jalan ke depannya. *Aamiin. :)

Ini sbnrnya lbh ke #NoteToMyself sih. Ttg passion. Ttg betapa sy merindukan itu. :)

#NoteToMyself Byk bca & dgr ttg betapa nikmatny bkrja dgn passion. Tp trs klo nggk kyk gitu, gmn? Jd males krja kah? Ngeluh trs? *gwbgt :p*

#NoteToMyself Toh bkrja dgn passion nggk 100% mnjaminkan hasil yg lbh baik atw bhkn lbh bahagia dr yg lain.

#NoteToMyself Passion pstny berkaitan erat sm mimpi, tujuan, visi. Lalu ap yg akn trjd jk kt tdk melakukan hal yg ssi dgn pasion kt?

#NoteToMyself Apkh lnts brputus asa atas mimpi yg dbgn llu mnyerah pd keadaan kmdn melkukan smwny tdk dgn hati, hny skdr rutinitas blka? No!

#NoteToMyself Mimpi itu sswt yg besar, yg jauh, yg bs dicapai dgn brbgai cara, tdk skdar dgn 1cara yg tmpknya hny bs dilkukn dgn 'passion'..

#NoteToMyself Tersirat pd #PerahuKertas nya @deelestari bhw dlm meraih mimpi mgkn kt perlu berputar2 dl, tp swt saat kt bs smp k mmpi :)

#NoteToMyself Jd, jk saat ini mgkn kt mrasa 'mnjauh' dr mmp, tdk mlkkan smw dgn 'passion', so make it by urself! Timbulkan kmbl passionmu!

#NoteToMyself Just focus on ur dream, and try to take everything positively! Although it seems too far from dreams, but we're on our way! :

#NoteToMyself Bangkitkn smgtmu dgn fokus pd mmpi ktk bekerja, dgn yakin bhw ini jln sy mnuju ke sana, si mimpi. :)

#NoteToMyself Toh bs aja kok melakukan hal2 yg kecil yg based on the real passion ;)..,

#NoteToMyself Apalagi klo smp jd kufur nikmat krn bkrja tdk ssi passion. Astagfirullah. *Jjur sy pnh nyaris smp situ :'(..*

#NoteToMyself Allah knows. We dont. Ikhtiar, doa, tawakal dan ikhlas. Bismillah :)..

#NoteToMyself Intinya, focus on ur dream, raise ur spirit on job by filling it with passion, believe that ur on ur way there, the dreams! x)
I felt so relieved. Some of my friends mentioned me after that, and this is my favourite :

RT @pchairina @visyk selain 'do what you love', ada 'love what you do'. Sayangnya lbh beken yg pertama. Yg kedua terlupakan.

RT @pchairina @visykdlm kasus aq, kalimat 1 baru dpt diraih stlh jatuh-bangun di kalimat 2. Mulanya tdk ska, lma2 jd suka. Awalnya : terpaksa. :)

RT @pchairina @visyk intinya satu : implementasi dr 'rasa syukur'. :)

In the next day, I noted @adrisfi's twit, and posted another twit :

#NoteToMyself RT @adrisfi Happy Friday! Chase ur dreams and don't let anyone make you down! Everyone can do anything if she/he believes so!

Oya. Lupa nambahin satu lg inti utk #NoteToMyself semalem : just open your mind :D

See? Come on! Make your own way, dreamcatcher! :)


I Love Today's #ZodiacFacts

:) RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Sagittarius are great learners and learn more from their mistakes than people of any other sign.

:D RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Sagittarius are highly creative and they like to express their artistic talents in their daily life.

^^ RT @ZodiacFacts: #Sagittarius are quick to jump on inadequacies of others while expecting full recognition of their own efforts.

:)) RT @ZodiacFacts: #ZodiacFacts #Sagittarius want to rush every new project through immediately and can be too demanding.
I am Sagittarius, anyway. I am @visyk on twitter, and am following @ZodiacFacts ;)


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