
Artwork : Half (Smile) Face

In the middle of work on Friday noon,

What do you expect from the other half ?

Taken from iPhone
Editing using Instagram & Picasa

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Thank You, Comedian


Today I successfully tried another way home from my office at Gatot Subroto. Yeaay!

Why could I? Err, yeaa, yesterday's rail disruption wasn't make my day. Could you imagine that I had to be home after 3 hours on train? Or I had to stay on train in the same station for hours without AC even lamp? Eeeergh. I think I need to go to Bersih Sehat whenever I remember that. :p

Soooo, today, I decided to go home by bus. But the problem was, I didn't even know where and how the way to get the bus. Heu, I really am not a friend of Jakarta. After asked some friends, I finally knew where I should going.

Kopaja 66 and Kopaja 20. Ah, I remembered that clearly right now. Thank you @besinikel & @cphilosophia! ;) *viva #MasAgra!*

After 2.5 hours, I got onto train, and there were the good thing happened after loooong journey today. A comedian acted on the train! Haha. You should know that comedian on the train is sooo rare. And tonight, I met them right when I felt sooo exhausted. 

Thank you Allah. :)

I did another #HijabExperiment today. You can easily follow the tutorial by Siti Djuwariyah, one of my fav fashion blogger, here : Jilbab Paris Tutorial.

By the way, I always wonder why toilet area has a good light for taking some photos, eh? :p


Hijab Tutorial : Play with Square #02


It's been few months since I'm addicted doing #HijabExperiment ;)
While I'm doing it, some friends asked me to make hijab tutorial. I finally made it. But then, I think I'm failed, because some of my friends don't know how to do with their veil when they look at my post. Unclear instruction. Hihi, sorry^^v

Some of my friend asked me to make video tutorial, too. Err, I think I need time to make it, even to think that I will make it. Hmm, what do you think? ;)

Yeaa, okaay, I finally made it. Again. Another #PlayWithSquare tutorial. On my youtube channel. :p

Whatever, I wish this will be useful for you. Enjoy! ;D


Expect Yourself

Suatu hari, gw pernah mengalami saat yang buruk. Semua serba menyebalkan. Terutama orang-orang di sekitar. Menyebalkaaan. Sampai keselnya itu bikin sesek napas. Itu kesel sampe berkali-kali mampir ke ubun-ubun. Serius. Kerjaannya bolak-balik ke kamar mandi karena kesel sampe nangis tu terjadi. Eeeergh.

Lalu gw curhat habis-habisan dengan seorang teman. Panjang lebar. Sampe teriak-teriak juga (dalam hati sih :p). Saat itu, temen gw itu cuma diam, dan nyimak dengan sangat baik. Setelah gw lega bisa ngungkapin semuanya, dia membalas dengan beberapa kata yang cukup bikin gw tersentak. Mikir.
"You may not change others.
But you surely can change yourself, your mind."

Dalam beberapa kasus yang akhir-akhir ini gw alami, kalimat itu bisa diartikan menjadi dua.

Pertama, mereka memang menyebalkan. Tapi bagaimanapun juga, gw nggak bisa merubah mereka. Mereka ya tetap mereka yang menyebalkan. Sementara hidup harus berjalan, dengan atau tanpa orang-orang yang menyebalkan itu. So? We should change ourselves, our mind. Jangan sampe menyebalkannya mereka ngusik hidup kita. :)

Kedua, ketika sebel buanget sama orang-orang di sekitar, bisa jadi sebenarnya yang menyebalkan itu gw sendiri. Gw yang memandang mereka dengan cara yang berbeda, gw yang expect too much, sehingga mereka menjadi orang yang menyebalkan ketika tidak bisa sesuai dengan ekspektasi gw. Salah siapa dong? Jelas salah gw. ;)

Pada akhirnya gw belajar, bahwa di setiap masalah yang dialami, adalah kita yang harus menjawab semua pertanyaan, memberikan harapan, ke diri kita sendiri, bukan orang lain. 

Yes. It's me who should be expected from myself. :)


What A Dramatic Turn Of Events

When you are on the backs of angels.
Someone build you up then break you down.
You are lost but not forgotten.
Then the bridges in the sky just made.
You are outcry.
You are far from heaven.
But there are only illusions.
So you are breaking all illusions.
Which will burried deep beneth the surface.
Well, this is the life. Our life.


(Another) New Name Card


I have four boxes of name card since 1.5 years ago being staff in my office. How come? For those who follow my twitter or being my friend on facebook surely know that I have moved from western to northern of Jakarta. Two boxes for western address, and two others for northern. I still was in the same unit anyway.

'Till last week, I've got news that surely will add my name card collection. Haha. Yess. I will move again, to the new office of the new position. I won't tell you more now but next time (I wish).

I've been working for this since last Monday (not yesterday). I've learned many things! I met many new things, and I met new partners who'll be my friends, too. So far, I can say that my new job is quite interesting & challenging! It's an honor to be placed in this position. Alhamdulillah. :)

By the way, one of the best part of this new job is my new office will be placed in Gambir, which is closed to train station, so I can use commuter line for daily transportation, everyday. Cost reduction and easy access!  Yeaay!! ;D

Taken from Koprol


Happy Birthday Medri :)

Ilkomerz // Himalkom // Fokerz // The Order of Jarwo Projekt // XMind // more

We may separated by ocean. We may too far away.
But me & @minyakbumi always pray for your best.
You are more than multitalented & inspiring one for us, but our best friend.

Barakallah fii umriik, dear Medria :)
May Allah always be with you!^
May you have a wonderful new life with Saad ;)!

We love you! ♥

- Ovie & ibonK -

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Happy Eid Mubarak 1432 H

Designed by : Ovie Asykari

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