
Quote of The Day

Dan semakin kamu dijatuhkan
harusnya jadi
semakin semangat 
untuk bangkit dan membuktikan.


- self(struggle) -


Dear Employee Newbie

"Dear office newbie, you can't select your boss. But when you have a bad one, don't be contaminated. Hold on tight to your values."
~ #NoMention on Twitter from Senior at Work


Girl in Black

Dress - Coat - Necklace : The Executive | Watch : Alexander Christie | Mule : Fladeo
Inner ninja : Kamiidea | Scarf : *uhuk! ;)*

Yeaaa~ he was staring at me whole time while I was doing things with my Miko (my MBP's name^^v) including wrote this post. How cutee! :*

Photographed by FF | Digital Imaging : Me

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It's About Love, Growth & Cash

Jadi, ceritanya pas lagi baca buku Merry Riana : Mimpi Sejuta Dollar nya Alberthine Endah yang di dalamnya menceritakan bahwa setelah akhirnya mereka (Merry Riana & suaminya) bekerja dengan begitu keras lalu sukses, berhasil dan punya bawahan, tapi kemudian mereka sadar bahwa ternyata bawahan mereka tidak semunya memiliki semangat dan motivasi sama dengan mereka. Ada yang memang termotivasi karena ambisinya mendapatkan banyak uang, ada yang memang untuk alasan lifestyle (menikmati hidup, memperbanyak me-time dan waktu untuk keluarga), ada yang karena reputasi yang baik dan yang terakhir karena relationship atau hubungan yang dekat dengan pihak-pihak yang terlibat pekerjaan yang sedang digeluti.

Membaca itu, saya jadi ingat salah satu bahasan di buku favorit saya Your Job Is Not Your Career nya Rene Suhardono *Insya Allah I'll review this powerful book soon! ;)*. Bahasannya tentang Career Triangle. Bahwa ternyata, dalam menapaki karir (yang seharusnya nggak identik dengan perusahaan tempat kita bekerja, tapi kita sendiri, atau buat saya, Ovie.), kita biasanya akan punya prioritas dan konsekuensi dari karir tersebut. Istilah lain dari Career Triangle ini adalah Love-Growth-Cash Triangle.

Love Growth Cash Triangle : A Look At Work

Love | Gaya Hidup
Pemanfaatan me-time untuk kepuasan hidup atau keluarga

Growth | Kepuasan Kerja 
Kepuasan dalam bekerja, mempelajari banyak hal dan berkarya sebagai bagian dari organisasi

Cash | Kompensasi 
Uang dan manfaat intrinsik yang diterima sebagai kontra prestasi kerja

How it works?
Easy. We only have to set our priority from those love-growth-cash choices. Dan kemudian menjalani prioritas tersebut dengan penuh kesadaran akan makna dan konsekuensinya. Menjalani pilihan tadi tidak semerta-merta mengabaikan unsur yang lain tapi justru bisa lebih enjoy dalam menapaki karir. Dengan begitu, nggak boleh ada gerutuan musti lembur kalo memang menetapkan cash sebagai prioritas. Begitupula pilihan lainnya. *tampar-tampar diri sendiri*

So what's my priority(es)?
Mungkin kalo ada yang udah baca bukunya Rene, jawaban saya sama banget dengan beliau. Hehe. I'd rather choose love & growth as my priority(ies). Kenapa? Karena saya punya tujuan hidup yang salah satunya adalah jadi istri & ibu yang shalihah *aamiiiiin :')* yang ternyata akan lebih kondusif dalam proses pencapaiannya jika saya memilih kedua prioritas itu. Dan entah kenapa, percaya aja gitu, kalo nanti udah punya usaha sendiri, dan menetapkan strategi yang mungkin awalnya fokus di point growth, cash akan dateng sendiri. Hehe. :p

Lagipula, Harvard Business Review aja pernah ngetwit,
"The Best Investment You can Make is not Gold. It's People You Love, Dreams You Have and Living a Life that Matters." - Umar Haque

So, what's yours? :)


I ♥ HK

Alhamdulillah, at the end of 2011, I had the opportunity to attend training in Hong Kong. 
Wohoow! Super excited! \(^^)/

The speaker of the training was Shaun Belding who's recognized as one of the leading global experts on customer service, service recovery, employee performance and building positive workplaces. Well, personally, he's a very nice person. I'm so glad to know him. :)

I made friends too! They came from best companies in Southeast Asia such as Singtel from Singapore, Microsoft HongKong, Asia Commercial Bank from Thailand, Bank Mandiri & Bank BNI from Indonesia. 

The training was held for two days. Since the flight home was two days after the training, so I had one full day to explore Hong Kong. So here, I won't tell you about the training but my HK exploration x)! Honestly, that was my first experience of going aboard! Alhamdulillah.. \(^^)/

Day 1 : Just Arrived :)

Scarf : Cashmere Pashmina bought in Living Room | Coat : Zara | Jeans : C2 | Shoes : Crocs

Day 2 : Excited for Hongkong's A Symphony of Light

Scarf : NonieQ | Shawl : Dunno, gift from FF ;)

Me with Mbak Dewi as my companion from my company :)

Day 3 : Buy Souvenirs in Night Market ^^

Scarf : Cashmere Pashmina bought in Living room | Brooch : MissMarina

Day 4 : Full Day HK Exploration! Wohooww! \(^^)/

This magazine from hotel is the only provision of our HK exploration. :))
Inner Ninja & Scarf : KamiIdea | Shawl : gift from FF ;) | TShirt : Hema | Pants : Monel | Shoes : Crocs

First destination : Ngong Ping Village & Giant Budha

Inside crystal cabin which glide over the South China Sea and North Lantau Country Park, enjoying panoramic views of Hong Kong International Airport, the flora and fauna of the Country Park and the Tian Tan Buddha Statue. Exciting!
The Giant Buddha
Look at my pants at the bottom side! My pants wedged by escalator hotel so i think it's stained by its oil. Huhu. Looks very bad, doesn't it? Since I didn't know people there, I tried to not care! ;)

Second destination : CityGate Outlets

There are sooo many fashion brands with outlet price.
Will you believe me that I didn't buy anything there? I didn't have more time to shopping there.
*garukin lantaii sambil nangis*

Third destination : Madam Tussauds & Victoria Peak

Me with the wax of Madam Tussauds
Me with uncle Pablo Picasso, hoho ^^

Playing with him ;))! -- this is FF's idea :p

And here is the Hongkong's view from Victoria Peak. Beautiful! :)

Day 5 : we wished we could buy something while we wer
Shopping & Going Home

Photographed by FF | Digital Imaging by Me

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